205 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for Toro


Wed 27th Feb 16:09
Capture the Flag rated  Superb
Love CTF from wf. Great concept and design. One thing I do not like here is the card scaling. It, just like main regular board, makes cards more important than strategy. Cards shouldn't ramp up; then it would be perfect.
#4 of 4
Thu 21st Feb 11:27
Mobs of New York rated  Great
solid gangs of ny map. prefer it with 8 or less players, but still a good time just like on fish.
#3 of 4
Tue 29th Jan 16:29
WarGear 2210 rated  Superb
very well done port of the board game version. Looks good.
#2 of 4
Tue 29th Jan 16:24
WarGear Warfare rated  Superb
classic risk, classic good times
#1 of 4